• lishafoundationcharity@gmail.com
  • (+44) 7710614840

Together, we can make a difference.

Together, we can make a difference.

We are here to support you and your family.

We are here to support you and your family.

Our community is full of bereaved families that lost loved ones during the Covid pandemic.

Our Mission

We are experts in empowering young people to actively participate in society they live in.

Our Passion

Unlocking talents and empowering young people to develop critical employable skills.


We strive to build a strong and supportive community for young adults.
We believe that we can bless more lives with you.

We believe that we can bless more lives with you.

Help Us Help Others


You can sign up as a volunteer, so that you join our database of volunteers.


Share our cause to your circles so that we achieve our vision hands together.


Attend an upcoming event or campaign of your choice or support any one of our causes.


Your donation will make a difference in the lives of those seeking belief & support.
Empowering Young Adults to Reach Their Full Potential

Empowering Young Adults to Reach Their Full Potential

raised by 68 people in 7 days
raised by 68 people in 7 days
volunteers are ready to help
volunteers are ready to help
Latest Causes

Latest Causes

Help us now

Skills Training

Donate to our Skills Development and Training Program.
Goal: unlimited
Raised: $0
Give a helping hand for homeless childrens

Give a helping hand for homeless childrens

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Charity activities are taken place around the world

Charity activities are taken place around the world

Donate us now
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Become A Volunteer

Become A Volunteer

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    Our Volunteers

    Our Volunteers

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    Ready to Make a Difference?

    Ready to Make a Difference?

    Your dedication and support can change lives and empower young adults to overcome challenges and achieve their dreams.

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